By following these steps and dedicating time and effort to SAT preparation over the summer, high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors can significantly improve their scores and increase their chances of achieving their desired college admissions goals.

  • Set Clear Goals: Before diving into preparation, students should set specific score goals for themselves. This will help them stay motivated and focused throughout the summer.

  • Understand the Test: Familiarize yourself with the format, sections, and types of questions on the SAT. Understanding the structure of the test can help students strategize their preparation effectively.

  • Take a Diagnostic Test: Start by taking a full-length practice test under timed conditions. This will help identify strengths and weaknesses and provide a baseline score to track progress.

  • Create a Study Schedule: Develop a study plan that allocates time for each section of the SAT, focusing on areas that need improvement. Consistency is key, so plan regular study sessions throughout the summer.

  • Review Content: Use study materials such as prep books or online resources to review the content covered on the test. Focus on areas such as math, reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary.

  • Practice Regularly: Practice is essential for SAT success. Complete practice questions and full-length practice tests regularly to reinforce learning and build test-taking endurance.

  • Work on Time Management: Practice pacing yourself to ensure you can complete each section within the allotted time. Time management skills are crucial for maximizing your score on test day.

  • Seek Help When Needed: Don't hesitate to ask for help from teachers, tutors, or peers if you're struggling with certain concepts. Many resources, both online and offline, offer support for SAT preparation.

  • Utilize Official SAT Resources: Take advantage of official SAT practice tests and resources provided by the College Board. These materials are the most accurate representation of the actual test and can help students become familiar with its format and style.

  • Stay Motivated: Keep your goals in mind and stay motivated throughout the summer. Celebrate small victories, and remember that consistent effort will lead to improvement.

  • Consider Finding a Qualified Tutor/Coach: While there are many free and effective tools out there, many students will benefit from a coach who will help narrow the focus, increase the efficiency of study, and maximize the results.

  • Stay Balanced: While it's important to prioritize SAT preparation, make sure to maintain a healthy balance. Take breaks, stay active, and engage in activities that bring you joy to prevent burnout.

Teenage Brain Tips

Teenage Brain Tips